Tool 4 The Man

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Monday, March 31, 2008

Hillary: The Check's in the mail. Honest.

Pressure from supporters of Barack Obama on Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race may be having an effect. Unless she implodes and loses in Pennsylvania and Indiana, Clinton appears to be committed to dragging out the process at least until early June when the primaries and caucuses are over. But the more Obama Nation can make her look like a spoiler, the harder it will be for her to keep a steady infusion of the lifeblood of politics: money.

Case in point-- Politico reports that Hillary Clinton's campaign didn't pay health insurance bills.

Aides are downplaying the revelation as you might expect, but it hints at larger problems that may be coming in terms of the massive expenditures required to keep the Clinton political machine running.

It's embarrassing on several levels.

Clinton has made health care a central feature of her campaign and even though aides say the actual coverage of campaign staff and their families have not been affected, it suggests attending to health care for the people who work for her isn't a top priority.

The unpaid bills also undermine her "Ready on Day 1" argument. Running a campaign is a lot easier than running he country and if you can't make sure the bills are paid on time the same way anyone running a small business has to do, it raises questions about your management skills.

Nothing seems likely to stop Barack Obama's endless supply of campaign donations, but if Clinton's money starts drying up, it could accelerate the process toward the all but inevitable conclusion of this race-- that she loses.

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