Tool 4 The Man

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Not So Fast Hillary

They’re still counting Texas caucus results and it looks like when the dust settles, it appears as if Obama will walk away with three more delegates than Hillary Clinton. Delegates are what you need to win the nomination, but it’ hard to beat that TV image of a picture of Hillary’s smiling face with a bigger number of votes a checkmark and the word “winner” next to it.

They’ve stopped counting after about 40 % . Under the bizarre rules established by the Democratic party, it won’t be until late March when we know for sure, sort of , because then the delegates go to the state convention and can apparently change their minds. At that point, when we combine the primary votes and the caucus votes, Obama will probably be the winner.

How much you want to bet he would gladly trade those three delegates for the headlines of being a winner on primary night few weeks earlier?

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