Tool 4 The Man

It's what the cool kids are reading.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

We are Clinton. Resistance is Futile.

Just when you wonder what will help fill this vast seven week void between primaries leading up to Pennsylvania on April 22, the internet comes to the rescue again.

Hillary's campaign operated with ruthless cyborg efficiency (at least until anyone got a chance to vote) so it was inevtiable that the Clinton poilitical machine was compared with the Borg, a race of technogicallly enhanced human machine hyrbids with a decidely Clintonian mantra: "We are borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. You will service us."

Enough from me. Watch the video. The joke at the end won't make sense unless you've seen the Sarah Silverman, Matt Damon and Jimmy Kimmel video.

Warning, there's adult language in these.

1 comment:

David said...

God that was good, nice find. I like the term "clintonfication"

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