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Friday, February 8, 2008

Conservatives: How Do We Hate McCain? Let Us Count the Ways

The Lazarus campaign of John McCain now sees the attack on its right flank heat up. The best part is that his continued success reveals the relative lack of power wielded by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, as evidence by their failed full court press to gin up support for Mitt Romney.

Interesting to look at how reporters from other countries are covering the race. The Euros know why the hate us and most especially our current president, but they seem to be fascinated by how much we despise each other. Case in point from the Guardian’s James Ridgeway:

“In today's GOP, libertarians who want to keep government out of bedrooms as well as boardrooms are at odds with the fundamentalist Bible-thumpers who are glad to use the power of the central government to criminalise everything they don't like, with abortions and gay sex at the top of this list.”

More and video available here:

Conservatives talking about sitting out the general election may be blowing smoke at this point. Nothing will unite them behind their candidate like the thought of Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office.

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