Tool 4 The Man

It's what the cool kids are reading.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Hillary’s Letter to Me: Barack Obama is Made of $$$

Because I’m a glutton for punishment, last year I gave my email address to most of the presidential candidates. Not that they abuse the privilege, like only writing when they need something. This is the latest from Billary ’08:

"Let me tell you a little bit about the challenges we still face. Starting tomorrow, we have 10 more races in the month of February. Many of these contests play to my opponent's strong suits -- including his virtually unlimited funds."

So now Barack Obama has been cast in the role of Daddy Warbucks by Hillary Clinton.

Not that the Senator from Illinois hasn’t tried to put his hand in my pocket as well, but at least he appeals to my sense of being caught up in a historical movement as he tries to get me to add to my mountain of credit card debt to sponsor his noble quest to save America:

"So many people said we would never get here. But we're proving every day that ordinary people can still accomplish extraordinary things.

Thank you,


To his credit, John McCain’s most recent letter to me raised an issue and didn’t ask for money. Like so many of my relationships based on email, he simply forwarded a
article he thought I would be interested in, which said in part, that I shouldn’t worry that he’s going to nominate anyone to the Supreme Court that’s likely to let a couple of guys in San Francisco burn a flag after they get married:

"We believe that the nomination of John McCain is the best option to preserve the ongoing restoration of constitutional government. He is by far the most electable Republican candidate remaining in the race, and based on his record is as likely to appoint judges committed to constitutionalism."
(Wall Street Journal)

I'm worried about my other buddies from the campaign trail. Haven’t heard from Joe, Chris, Rudy, Fred or any of the others recently. Hope they’re ok.

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