Tool 4 The Man

It's what the cool kids are reading.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Viral Video Face Off: Preview of Obama vs McCain

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video that spreads like a virus across the internet may be worth more than a super bowl commercial.

Case in point, the "Yes, We Can" music video version where famous people form a musical duet with Barack Obama's stump speech.

If you haven't seen it, it's the first video below. If you have, you can go directly to the next one which is the McCain version. "Like Hope, just different."

For McCain. it's a reality check for an unavoidable reality of being the poster child for failed policies from the Iraq war to tax cuts for billionaires: The truth is out there and it hurts.


Anonymous said...

This is too funny. Obama should run the McCain version as a campaign ad.

Anonymous said...

Despite his persuasive rhetoric, Obama is vulnerable to McCain on national security. Want to bet W doesn't send the nation to yellow alert (funny we haven't had one since the last presdiential election) in late October?

Obama says he wants to be "as carefull getting out of Iraq as we were careless going in" which suggests he may backtrack on his promise to withdraw the troops if he's elected.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tool 4 The Man: Latest polls in Ohio and Pennsylvania show Clinton in double digits ahead of Obama. Do you think she'll pull out the nomination? -- David

Tool4TheMan said...

Anonymous David,

I think Hillary Clinton would sooner hire on as Monica Lewinsky's personal assistant than withdraw from the race.

I assume you are referring to the new Quinnipiac poll that shows Hillary with big leads in Ohio and Pennsylvania, two of the three firewall states (there's no new poll I can find right now on Texas) that are now key to her hopes of stopping Obama's momentum and turning the race around.

Among likely Dem primary voters in Ohio, Hillary leads Obama 55%-34%. In Pennsylvania she leads 52%-36%.

Tellingly, Hillary leads among women by more than 20 points in both states. Quinnipiac frames the challenge for Obama ahead this

What's important to note is these polls were taken from Feb. 6th-12th before Obama's crushed her in the Potomac Primary. If you took the poll again today, the numbers might be different.

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