Tool 4 The Man

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Don’t Cry for me Louisiana

After Barry Hussein served up a double order of whoop-ass on Billary in the primaries in Kansas, Louisiana and Washington, she may be tempted tear up once again reminding voters that she actually can mimic human emotion. Probably can’t go back to the well again, but what can we expect from the Clinton campaign moving forward? They are likely to be casually dismissive of the Louisiana results because of the predominant role of black voters and say they expect to do very well in big states like Texas and Ohio later.

Momentum, which is with Obama right now, hasn’t been much of an asset so far this year, as it keeps shifting. Obama seems well positioned for the upcoming Potomac Primaries in Virginia, Maryland and Washington. D.C. That makes the subsequent primaries in March in Texas and Ohio especially important because they are home to fewer of the better educated, higher income voters that are part of Obama’s core supporters.

That’s a problem for Obama. There are a lot more poor and stupid voters than ones who are affluent and educated. Poverty and ignorance are renewable resources. Too bad we can’t use them to run our cars or heat our homes.

But If Obama can win in Texas or Ohio, the hill Clinton must climb to the nomination gets a lot steeper. Expect Obama to devote a significant portion of his campaign warchest flooding the zone with operatives and TV spots in those two states.

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