Tool 4 The Man

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Potomac Primary Pounding: A Night Hillary Would Rather Forget

Watching Hillary make her speech in El Paso after being crushed again by Obama in the Potomac primaries, you can appreciate what moxie it takes to put yourself through this process. Granted she’s surrounded by an adoring crowd, but still, after the night she’s had, you have to figure giving another speech wasn’t her first choice on how to spend the evening. More like a double sized adult beverage and some reruns of Sex and the City.

Predictably ignoring tonight’s election results, She’s channeling her inner John Edwards (and Bill Clinton) right now feeling our pain and promising to go to bat for us against the powerful special interests that prevent us from having health care and good jobs.

Her rhetoric is a contrast to Obama whose stump speech is long on inspiration and short on what details of how we get to his shining city on the hill. Listening to Obama, it’s hard not to be “fired up, ready to go.” We’re not exactly sure where we are headed, just that we’ll be ecstatic once we arrive.

Maybe this is what Hillary needs. If I’m feeling sorry for her, I suspect some of her core supporters not in possession of a y chromosome really want to give her a hug and some words of encouragement.

The tears helped in New Hampshire. This year, everyone seems to thrive as the underdog, but for Hillary Clinton that’s not likely to be enough. Don’t be surprised if she comes looking for a fight next time she debates the opponent who beat her 8-0 in the last week.

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