Tool 4 The Man

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

You Won’t Have Mitt Romney to Kick Around Anymore

"$35 million and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."

Our favorite whipping boy bows out today, finally achieving a firm gasp of the obvious, that he wasn’t going to win and the burn rate on his vast fortune wasn’t worth the visceral satisfaction of continuing to piss off Huckabee and McCain.

I was actually starting to feel sorry for Mittens, especially after McCain went after him with those cheap shots on “timetables” in Iraq in the last debate. He even managed to conjure up a somewhat likeable image in his latest version of his ongoing personality makeovers, call it Mitt 3.5.

Former Connecticut Gubernatorial candidate and Clinton White House counselor Bill Curry still has, for my money, the best quip on Mittens: “I wouldn’t believe Mitt Romney if he was telling me his blood type from an operating table."


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Always thought Romney was a little too slick, but McCain is a flawed candidate as well. He's not even that popular here in AZ. Nice writing S.C.

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