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Monday, February 11, 2008

Obama is King Caucus, Hillary Dumps Campaign Manager like a Wet Rag

Hillary Clinton is Oh and four this weekend, having lost yesterday’s Maine caucus after losing Louisiana, Nebraska and Washington the day before. Obama shows that despite his relative youth and thin political resume, he has the managerial savvy to run a national campaign that’s now running like a Swiss watch.

Winning a caucus, particularly in a state with a lot of small town, rural voters, is no cake walk. You have to log your ballot where everyone else can see. If you live in Mayberry RFD, that’s likely to mean that most of the others voters know you, since they are your neighbors, co-workers, bosses. Winning takes organization with a lot of ground troops and that takes passion and motivation. It’s the democratic version of the evangelical zeal that turned out religious conservatives for George W. Bush in the last two elections.

The Clinton campaign isn’t exactly in panic mode, but they’re defense is on the field again late in the 3rd quarter and they’re out of breath. They desperately need to win something to stop the hemorrhaging.

Step 1, defenestrate your longtime friend and campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle. Must be her fault. Can’t be the candidate shortcomings, or the opponent strengths. Solis-Doyle does have young children and since the campaign had been structured to be over now with Hillary coasting to her coronation perhaps her campaign manager did sign on for more than she bargained for, but in presidential politics it’s hard to buy the “leaving to spend more time with the family” line.

What’s next?

If they follow their usual tactics, they’ll go negative. If I was Obama that might be a dream come true. Starting to throw mud again runs the risk of backfiring in a major way. Tough to see what else they have to hit Obama with, rehashing the connect ion with indicted businessman Tony Rezko seems unlikely to gain any serious traction. Now Obama’s early disclosures of youth drug use and other errors in judgment underscore his skills as a political tactician.

The New York Times is reporting that John Edwards had a “secret” meeting with Hillary Clinton. You have to wonder what she has to offer. The odds of her offering and him accepting another shot at becoming vice president is about as high as Mike Huckabee winning the Republican nomination. Attorney General? A weekend in Cabo with Chelsea?

He won’t do it. After what he’s said about Hillary, an endorsement now, even if he goes with “she’ll fight for the little guy” would be unlikely to have that much influence on his supporters.

As we enter the end game of run for the White House 2008, Hillary Clinton is looking more like The New England Patriots than the New York Giants she invokes as she seeks a comeback.


David said...

Lots of excuses for Shrillary, they thought it would be over after Iowa, NH, Super Tuesday....might just be her campaign and record that is the problem.

Anonymous said...

Hillary as the nominee = President John McWar.

Maybe Ohio or Texas will change the momentum.

Anonymous said...

I loved Hilary's comments explaining away all the caucus states. She's definitely behind but I just can't see her not winning the nomination. Still, Obama would be better for the party...her supporters would still rally around Obama. I can't say the same for his supporters rallying around her -- especially if the superdelegates give her the win.

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