Tool 4 The Man

It's what the cool kids are reading.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ron Paul, Pimp My Blog

Want to gin up some attention to your internet soapbox? Write something about Ron Paul.

Wonkette’s story on Dr. Paul’s decision to suspend his campaign

generated about 25 times the normal traffic last time I looked, so I figure move over, Tool 4 the Man is climbing on the band wagon.

Truth be told, I have been too consumed mocking Mitt Romney to give Dr. Paul his due. Now that he’s gone, I suspect we’ll miss him and the boundless passion of his Shoot Me Up with Thorazine Quick or My Invisible Friend Will Kill You followers or Paultards as they are not so affectionately know here in the blogosphere.

There’s something vaguely compelling about the libertarian philosophy embodied by Paul and his followers. They avoid the inherent contraction of the “fiscal conservative, social liberal” who essentially wants the government to provide a mountain of services, but doesn’t want to pay for them.

At least libertarians are consistent. Do what absolutely needs to be done and then leave me the hell alone. If we had affordable health care and some semblance of an equitable distribution of wealth in this country, I might well be a passionate Paultard myself. Alas, the deck is so heavily stacked against everyone who’s not among the mega wealthy that we need a strong government to be our advocate before we can move to safely retire to Walden Pond.

Watching the presidential debates on Tivo, I often found myself fast forwarding through the likes of Mike Gravel and Duncan Hunter, but even though I knew he had no chance of winning, I enjoyed the way Ron Paul made the other Republican candidates squirm with their mindless support of the war in Iraq.

Without Ron Paul, expect to see remaining candidates John McCain and Mike Huckabee throttle up on who’s tougher than Clinton and Obama, laced with hyperbole full of loaded terms like “surrender” and “defeat” and “Islamic fanaticists.”

We’ll also be deprived of the entertainment value of some Ron Paul followers, who give Tom Cruise a run for his money on who we suspect is likely to have his hat lined with tin foil to keep the mind control rays out.

Yes Paultards, I know a lot of you are playing with a full deck, but you're not the ones getting the attention, like your friend here on YouTube.


David said...

Hey ToolTard, make the youtube link clickable or even better embed the video so I hang around your rambling political blather - which does actually make sense from time to time.

Tool4TheMan said...

David, please bear with me. I skipped the class on embedded video in reform school. Maybe if I remove my mittens first that would help punching in the right commands....

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe the blimp didn't work. Wonder what RP will do with all that money he collected?

Video looks ok to me. I bet the Paultard chick is a lonley girl, imaginary friends notwithstanding.

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